Sunday, September 20, 2015

You Know What You Have?

"You know what you have?  You have spunk!  (pause)  I hate spunk."  I never see or use the word spunk without hearing curmudgeonly Ed Asner talking to Mary Tyler Moore.  That word does come to mind, however, when I see the spunky hens chasing turkeys four times their size away from their food (which is every morning).

Ground squirrels have chutzpah.  They also join the chickens for breakfast and I see them going in and out of the coop with impunity.  Brazen little creatures, they are.

I know one hen did not have a good day yesterday.  It's simply unimaginable what it must have been like to lay this egg with ripples and wrinkles all around the shell.  This is not one of those eggs that once in a great while have a very thin, almost soft shell.  It's an honest-to-God hard-shelled egg that didn't want to go through the chute.  Ouch!

Knowing that we are in for another heat wave, I had a rare burst of ambition and got the rest of the windows and siding washed in the relative cool yesterday.  One of these days I might have enough ambition to wash the inside windows.  Or not.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Wow, I have NEVER seen an egg like that!!!