Sunday, October 29, 2017


Much like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble (or dusting), blowing leaves off the deck is an exercise in futility.  The ocean is safe from me, but I did make a stab at clearing the deck yesterday.  It is a much easier task with the leaf blower than with a rake, but the rewards are only momentary, regardless.  They don't call it fall for nothing.  While I cleared the way ahead, more leaves drifted down behind.  At least for a while it won't sound like walking on potato chips and it might even reduce the detritus Bess brings in.  One tries.

There is a weather app on my phone and I track conditions in Oklahoma, Hawaii, and even down in the valley, which can be so different from here that it is like another planet.  It's a noninvasive way to feel in touch with family.  It's been relatively cold in Oklahoma lately, and I wonder how my grandson is going to cope with the heat in Saudi Arabia when he is deployed there sometime soon.  I talked with Larry the other day.  He's going to grow gills, he spends every possible moment in the sea.  It is a nearly constant low 80s in Hawaii.  The app gives a week's forecast for local conditions, and Cam calls Weather Central (me) to plan her work schedule.  We figure she's got four more days to finish painting her house before the rain comes.  It's a handy app, that.

Blogspot has still not solved its here-and-then-gone problem.  It's hard enough for me to hold on to a thought as it is without having the page disappear midstream.

Ah, well, one tries.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

As you are leaf blowing in one direction, I can picture you pivoting rapidly behind you, and blasting those leaves that dare fall right after you have "swabbed the decks," so to kind of a Chicago gangster-style move.

And I'm always amazed when I look at the weather for Fiddletown and Somerset to notice the differences!