Saturday, October 14, 2017

In The Dark

I'm in the dark about so many things, it should come as no surprise to me that things are happening at night.  Some berserk hairdresser came while I was asleep and gave me the worst case of bed head ever yesterday, and no matter what I did I couldn't tame it.  It looked like Edward Scissorhands' work and I could have scared small children.

Owls are working the neighborhood in the predawn hours, hunting for what?  I'd think all the ground squirrels and mice would be tucked deep in their burrows.  I can never figure out why owls can fly so silently, and then announce they're on the hunt by constantly hooting.

Unless the rats have gone vegetarian, some other animal has been coming at night and breaking into the alfalfa bales.  This really ticks me off; I am not the soup kitchen for the animal world!  Isn't bird seed and goat chow enough?!  Alfalfa is a big-ticket item and besides, whatever it is is making a big mess.  The square wire gate is meant to keep out deer, so whatever the vandal is, it is smaller than a bread box.

Years ago I was given a novelty bottle opener.  I drink beer from a can and most sodas come in cans or plastic bottles, so I've never used the opener.  Camille drinks a specialty beer (she brings her own) that does come in glass bottles.  The other evening (not quite dark), she rummaged in the drawer and came up with the aforementioned opener, used it, and then tossed it back.  Suddenly there was music, Hank Williams, Jr., singing "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight."  I thought Camille had put a unique ringtone on her cellphone, but she looked at me, opened the drawer, and the bottle opener was playing a recording.  Weird.

While I didn't go overboard, I did give a decorative nod to Halloween.  Boo!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Halloween touch looks great, and what a riot about the bottle opener. Alfalfa raider...I got nuttin' honey!!