Sunday, October 1, 2017

It's Official

Ralph has been at it again, only more so.  What I thought of as the guest room has now officially become Ralph's room.  When my granddaughter who is autistic would come to visit, she would give Grandma a hug and then disappear into this room and it was then known as Taylor's room.  She preferred the quiet rather than the noise of a family gathering, and I kept a supply of soft stuffed toys in the closet for her.  It was her sanctuary.  Once I had a "real" guest staying when Taylor came up and Tay was told she couldn't go in "her" room.  Desolated, she lay in the hall in front of the door, hoping we'd change our minds, poor girl.

At any rate, Ralph is changing the decor of "his" room to suit his taste.  I used to have a small bowl filled with potpourri in there.  Ralph thought that was too frou-frou for such a manly man as himself and emptied it all over the floor.  I don't know what he has against the small throw rug or the comforter, but obviously they have to go.  If I were to have a "real" guest staying, Ralph would probably throw himself on the floor by the door, a la Taylor.

Yesterday was spent in the kitchen, cutting up pears, pears, and more pears.  I'm about halfway through the box.  What madness overcame me when I took the 25 pounds, I don't know.  One would think I'd learned my lesson when I spent days cutting up tomatoes, but no.  Obviously not.

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