Saturday, September 30, 2017

Getting Squirrely

Raggedy Ann beat Turk to the breakfast bar yesterday and didn't wait for a by-your-leave to start filling her cheeks.  Not the best photo because of the shade of the oak, her torn ear is on her right, the tip in shreds.

Later in the day, Stump was back at (and on) her post.  One wouldn't think these little creatures who race and tear around most of the day would be capable of such intense concentration for such lengthy periods of time.

Once in a great while and never in large numbers, the big, beautiful grey tree squirrels will put in an appearance.  It seems my road has pockets of microclimates, with different plant and animal life as the elevation changes.  Cam has no ground squirrels at all at her place at the bottom of the road.  I keep telling her I have more than enough and am willing to share, but so far she's declined my offer.  Beau lives the better part of a mile up the road past me and tree squirrels abound there, and no ground squirrels at all.  How'd I get to be the lucky one?!  Camille has pine trees with maybe one or two oaks.  My ratio of trees is exactly opposite.  Beau has only pines.  One wouldn't think such a short distance would make such a difference, but it surely does.

My days and nights are getting mixed up, possibly due to later sunrises and earlier sunsets.  (How I dread the time change.)  I'm one of those people who, when my eyes open, cannot go back to sleep and the thought of just lying  Getting up at 3 a.m. is just nuts, but, in Beau's words, what're ya gonna do?  That means I need a nap during the day.  Yesterday's snooze was longer than usual and put an end to my pie plans.  Sigh.

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