Sunday, September 17, 2017

A Different View

Cats are such quirky critters.  Celeste evidently wanted a different view of Farview yesterday.  She lay on her back, eyes open, adjusting her position now and then and looking at her world upside down.  How I wish we had better communication.  What was she thinking?

When it was so hot I put throw blankets on both recliners.  It was necessary because sitting on the faux leather for even a short while made your backside sweaty, most unpleasant.  The cats avoided the bare chairs, but now have reclaimed one for themselves.  Ralph, especially, curls up often in the big chair for naps.  He's another one with whom I'd like to have a conversation.  For no apparent reason, he'll occasionally walk through the hall, talking up a storm.  Last evening, he woke from a nap and began to talk...about what?  Did he have a bad dream?  Where is Dr. Doolittle when I need him?

Stump is apparently training Rhonda as a stand-in sentry.  Rhonda was at the station, assuming the upright position.  Raymond declined the responsibility.  Since these little creatures are, at most, maybe eight inches tall, their view must be fairly limited, but they take their job very seriously.  I'm pleased that loudmouth Shaddup has moved from his place so close to the house and out to one of the granite boulders in the front yard.  At least his high-pitched yip isn't as piercing at a distance.

The cool(er) weather continues.  Yay!

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