Monday, September 25, 2017

Another Change

It won't happen right away, but my days as a milker are coming to an end and what a change that will be.  I've decided to dry up Tessie, leaving only Sheila to produce, and who knows how long she'll continue.  These three girls, including Inga, probably hold some record for giving milk the longest time without being bred.  Dairy goats and cattle are usually bred annually for continued production, and these does haven't seen (or smelled!) a buck in years.  I have mixed feelings about this.  In a way, it will be a relief to spend less time in the heat and cold in the barn, and my hands certainly need a rest.  I've been milking for seventeen years, after all.  However, I will miss the closeness of working with the goats on a daily basis, sitting by their side every morning.  I like that they are "earning their keep," even though the little I charge for their milk in no way pays for their feed.  They are expensive "pets."  These girls were born on Farview and will live out their lives here, regardless.

Either Raymond and Rhonda have left the nest or Stump has given up trying to get them to mind.  She hasn't been at her post for days, and I haven't seen the kids, either.  Of course, when they're grown, it's hard to tell one squirrel from another.  I did finally find Stump yesterday.  She's moved over to the shade under a pine tree close to the deck, but she was alone.  I wonder if squirrel mamas suffer from separation anxiety or give a sigh of relief when the youngsters leave home.

As predicted, I spent the day at the computer, trying to remember formulae for creating a spread sheet.  Aarrgh.

While still spectacular, with the cooler weather it seems to me there was a change in the colorful sunset last evening.  There wasn't the blaze as there was during the heat wave, but more of a glow.  I can deal with that.

Computer notwithstanding, it was a good day.


Emmy said...

Milking goats was one of life's best memories for me too. The feel of that warm body each morning and the nuzzle when you feed them...hard to give up. Often think of returning to farm setup and think of goats again......though it is part of fantasy, I know.
Happy you enjoy it as well..sometimes a chore, but more often a pleasure.

Kathryn Williams said...

Would you consider putting them on the stand so that you can brush them while they you have for the other non-milkers...or will you just start skipping that step? You certainly deserve a break, and the last 3 are lucky goats!!