Saturday, September 16, 2017

For The Birds

There are few birds more graceful in the sky than vultures.  They are so impressive when they assume the regal heraldic pose with wings spread while sitting on a post.  However, they become awkward and comedic when they try to perch on the power lines.  Like a beginner tightrope walker, the big birds teeter back and forth, trying to balance and not lose their grip.  They're not always successful, but sure are fun to watch.  More and more are arriving daily, gathering for the migration east, and there aren't enough posts to perch on.  Twenty-plus are sitting in the tree over the barn every morning now, and there were nearly fifty circling on the thermals yesterday.

Grape growers put high fences around their property to keep deer out of the vineyards.  I'm glad they finally gave up on the sound cannons that boomed so loud in the morning.  I think the deer got used to the noise and ignored it; I never did.  The growers are still losing grapes, though, and I know who the culprits are; turkeys.  The grapes must be close to harvest time because I find grape skins in turkey scat everywhere these days.  Turkeys roost 50-60 feet up in the trees at night, so an 8-foot fence means nothing to them.  I'm sure the little birds steal their share, too, ignoring the fluttering strips of Mylar some growers string up.

Shhh!  I don't want to jinx it, but I think fall has arrived.  It never got out of the low 70s yesterday, and even lower temps are predicted for this week.  Nature could be teasing us, but I'm sure enjoying this weather now.  It was cool enough to hang laundry on the line and warm enough to dry even the bibbies.  A good portion of the day was spent peeling and cutting the big butternut squash.  They make you work for your dinner with their tough, hard skin and firm flesh.  This squash was really large and I was able to bag and freeze most of it.  The rest made a luscious dinner.

I waited until I was sure Ralph was asleep in the living room before putting clean sheets on the bed, but somehow he knew and came in for a rousing game of hide-and-seek and chase the wrinkles.  Crazy cat.  For the first time in a long time I put the blanket back on the bed, and this morning in the dark Ralph crawled into the cat cave to snuggle by my belly.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I'm so glad that you had more cool and a line-drying day!