Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Bright Side

The days are heating up again as we head into July.  I finally got the front, side, and back yards mowed yesterday.  If there is an up side to "hot," it is that brown vegetation doesn't grow.  Almost all that I cut down was that blasted, still-green star thistle.  It would thrive in the Sahara.  A couple more passes down the driveway and along the road and the need for mowing should slow down considerably.  The afternoon breeze blew dust and chaff down the neck of my shirt.  Mowing in the spring is pleasant; summertime, not so much.

If Kellan and Wil call before they come for milk today, I'm going to ask for a few squash blossoms.  Dipped in a light beer batter with a hint of cayenne and sauteed in olive oil and butter, there is nothing like the delicate flavor of these edible flowers.  Squash being the most prolific of vegetable plants, a few blossoms can be sacrificed; still food for the table.  Another bright side to summer.

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