Thursday, July 4, 2013

Visiting Royalty

Without going down to the orchard, I know from a distance that the plums are ripe.  On one of our many trips out to her pool, Bessie Anne and I watched Tawny II from the deck as he plucked and munched his way under the tree.  The antlers on this "prince of the forest" continue to grow.  Already handsome, by fall he will be spectacular with a full rack.  Main course in the goat pen with the girls, dessert under the trees, he dines his way through Farview as if this were his personal fiefdom.  Not in the least startled by our appearance, Tawny II gazed back at us with disdain suited to royalty and picked another plum.

We are graced by his presence.  (Perhaps his highness will leave us a few plums.)

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Ya, you get the plums that are ladder-height!!! But, if you are going to have something take your plums, it might as well be a handsome young buck. BTW, what a coincidence - "fief" was an answer on Jeopardy last night - how often do we use THAT word!! Happy Independence Day - Long May She Wave!