Sunday, July 20, 2014

Out Of My Way!

I may have mentioned that Farview is pocked with ground squirrel holes.  Visitors are warned to watch their step as footing is fraught with danger.  This particular crater is behind and under one of the utility sheds.  I can see the mound of dirt from the round room.  Busy in the kitchen all day yesterday, finishing the last batches of cheese and baking Orange-Cranberry muffins and a pan of double chocolate brownies, I passed through the round room any number of times.  Quite often I saw one of the squirrel tribe sitting upright on his front porch in the shade, just chilling and surveying his personal domain.

There are seven tom turkeys who seem to have taken up residence here.  The boys are always waiting for breakfast in the morning, drift around the property during the day, and settle down in the dust when it's hot.  On one of my trips through the round room in the afternoon, I noted that one of the boys was nestled by the corner of the shed.  Suddenly I heard a very loud "Beep BEEP!" and that turkey leapt to his feet.  He'd been blocking the way and the Chief told him in no uncertain terms to, "Move it, buddy."  Given the difference in size, it was pretty funny to see who was in charge.

Evidently there is no connecting passageway in the squirrel duplex.  Either that or Chief just wanted to establish dominance.  The turkey was, in fact, just a squatter.

They make me laugh.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Holy Moly...or should I say HOLEY! You certainly do have your share of amusement with the wild things.