Monday, July 28, 2014

Roller Coaster

The past few days have been an emotional up and down.  Do we stay?  Do we go?  What to do?  Tree Guy and Son came up here yesterday because they couldn't see anything from their place and I took advantage of them to make a quick run to the grocery store (was out of cat food and Ralph and Celeste were complaining).  I put out a couple of camp chairs and handed TG & Son a beer so they could watch the smoke in comfort and ease.  They would watch the house just in case.  The "big road" was closed south of where I needed to go, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get back home if I didn't hurry.  (I had no problems, but did race to the store and back.)  I can't see any smoke at all today, so I think we're out of danger.

Hard to believe, but I slept in until almost 7:30 today.  Can't remember the last time that happened.


Unknown said...

Sleeping is normal. You are under tremendous stress. I was worried though and wanted to shout Where The Heck are you when I finally saw one of your FB posts just as I was leaving the morning. Fingers crossed for continued good luck.

Kathryn said...

Linda, I did the SAME thing. When I saw a FB comment I knew all was well! Let's hope the roller coaster has come to a the that you can all get out, and get back to your lives. Another Whew!