Saturday, July 12, 2014

Waste Not

Water conservation is a big deal in California these days in drought conditions.  Living here with a low-volume well, water conservation is a way of life.  Yesterday was touted to be the last cool day for a week.  Remember, cool is a relative term; it only reached 89.  Sweaty, dirty, smelly after coming up from the barn, I considered my options.  The west field needed mowing as the star thistle was growing again.  Man, that plant could give survival technique lessons to the botanical world.  It thrives, regardless.  Less than a hundred degrees was the incentive to "get-'er-done."  As desperate as I was for a shower, it would have been a waste of water before firing up Fu Manchu.  Round and round we went in the field, dust and chaff blowing everywhere.  I lowered the blade another notch and darned near scalped the ground.  I didn't go down the driveway and won't for the duration for fear of the blades striking gravel and throwing sparks.  Whatever is growing there will just have to be.  The front and side yards may get one more mowing, or not.  In the field there is a volunteer oak with brush at the base.  As I made passes, a lizard, one of my totems, darted out.  I avoided the silly thing, but it did it again and again as I went around and around.  The last time, it stopped a foot away from the tire.  I inched forward and it wouldn't budge.  Was this a lizard with a death wish or an omen?  I finally backed up and made a wide detour.  When done with the job, I looked like I'd been covered with cocoa powder, the dust was that thick.

After more than an hour under the noonday sun, that shower felt heavenly.  Then, of course, there I was all clean and tidy.  I didn't want to waste that, either, so made a hit-and-run trip to town.  One thing does lead to another.

When I got back, I discovered that Ralph had removed the last obstacle to comfort and had kicked the telephone on his end table to the floor.  Further discussion would be a waste of breath.  I capitulated and moved the phone.

Waste not, want not.  The motto of the day.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Interesting reading - thanks!