Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Cosmos and Me

My mother used to say, "Thoughts go out into the cosmos and come back as action."  That may have been her way of warning to be careful what you wish for, but it may also have been meant to be inspiring.  Either way, sometimes the timing of coincidence is just strange.  Clay and I mentioned a guy we both know and haven't heard from in years.  This morning that guy turned up on my FB page.  Down in the barn the other day, I mused that I'd not seen any black-widow spiders.  In seasons past, there had been dozens.  That very morning, I looked up to see one of those shiny black ladies lurking in a corner.  (I keep a special stick just for the purpose of dispatching those arachnids.)  It often happens that I'll think a friend's name and within a day or two that friend will call.  Since I'm very aware of my connection with the cosmos, I try to be careful about the thoughts I send out there.

Babe and Ralph have a thing going.  Babe shows up on the deck rail in the morning, running back and forth to catch Ralph's attention.  Then he lays on the corner post to taunt the cat.  Ralph does his kek-kek-kek until Babe heads off and Ralph races through the house to look out the bedroom windows until he's sure the squirrel is gone.

The crazy weather this year seems to have thrown Nature a curve ball.  It's pretty late in the season for a group of bluejay fledglings, but the Baby Hueys are showing up in the barn to do the squat-and-flutter "feed me!" dance.  Some still wear bits of chick fluff feathers on their heads.  Their parents are running ragged trying to fill those gaping beaks.

No matter how hard I try to think dust away, I fear that action is up to me.  The cosmos let me down.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Ah, and therein lies your problem with the Cosmos. You are thinking "dust" is a verb, and the Cosmos hears your thoughts as the noun, and sends you more! Try "no dust" and see what happens :-) (At least I'm on YOUR side!)