Friday, August 7, 2015


Percy and Pal, those pesky squirrels in the milking room, have been noticeable by their absence lately.  In fact, there have been no squirrels at all in the goat barn for several weeks.  Usually in hot weather any number come in and take a dust bath or just lie flat out in the shade in there.  I am not complaining, but it does make me wonder what is going on.  The little buggers are prevalent up by the house, standing up on top of the junipers to get a better view, playing tag in the driveway, and their holes are everywhere, so it isn't that the squirrel population has migrated.

Only the first week in August, and I'm noticing that some leaves on the black oak trees are already turning color.  Leaves are falling in the breeze and I'm finding acorns on the ground.  Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems way too early for fall.  We're a month or two out from normal.  Perhaps it's stress from the drought.

I've heard it said that people only notice that you've dusted when you haven't.  It's not like the dust fairy comes and takes on this onerous chore while you're sleeping.  I went through two dust rags while wiping down the bedroom yesterday.  That room always gets left until last, and sometimes not at all.  I can always shut the door to the inner sanctum, and I'm only in there to sleep.  Can't notice dust with your eyes closed.

Cooler weather, up in the low 80s, prevails and I'm grateful.  Noted another beautiful sunset last night.  Busy planning menus for the week ahead.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh that sunset is most unusual, and beautiful. Thank you!