Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Poor Timing

Ralph is not a sit-in-your-lap kind of cat.  He is always busy, busy, busy.  Lately, however, he has taken to lying in my lap, but at the most inappropriate times.  I'm not sure whose side he's on.  I'm a self-admitted procrastinator, but even so.  I will have been taking a breather and then think, "Okay, I'm going to get up and do - whatever."  No more than the thought and Ralph shows up.  Because he comes on my lap so seldom, I don't want to push him off and stamp him "Reject,"so I sit.  It's either a reason to keep moving or an excuse to postpone the next chore.  Either way, it's very nice to be doing head-butts with my boy Ralph, even though his timing is off.

The delta breezes kicked in yesterday, cooling the temperature and clearing the air.  This photo was taken several nights ago when the smoke had been thick throughout the day.  It's hard to breathe and the taste of smoke is always in your mouth on days like that, but it sure makes for a pretty sunset.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

No more smoke...no more smoke...no more fires...no more fires!