Thursday, June 9, 2016

Morning, Noon & Night

Lumpy (his ear wound is healing) beat me to the feeder yesterday morning.  My fear factor is zip with him.  Like that mirror in Jurasic Park, "Objects may be closer than they appear," this is not a zoom-in photo.  I stood less than three feet from this cheeky fellow.
I get such a thrill when wildlife trusts me.  It was a great way to start the morning.

Noon.  Well, afternoon, really, but who keeps track?  Regardless, Arden came by and we sat out on the deck for a long overdue chat and enjoyed the delta breeze that had broken the heat.

Bess and I made a dash to the feed store before it closed to stock up on supplies.  Beau, the milker trainee, is coming this morning for one more session and I'm going to take advantage of his muscles to haul the goat chow down to the barn.  He might as well get the full experience, right?

Tomorrow is The Big Day and the festivities start early, way too early.  We need to be in Placerville by 8 a.m.  Bessie Anne will spend the day with Cam and Honey, and we'll decide today if Bess should stay overnight tonight with her and have a girls' sleep-over.  I won't have time to make a Farview Farm entry.  Stay tuned for further developments!

It was a good day.


Kathryn Williams said...

Thoughts, prayers, hugs, and smiles coming your way. Dare I say, "You're a tough ol' broad" (that's a compliment) so you've go this - and you have your "village," so don't give Farview a thought - your peeps have your back!!

Emmy said...

I ditto all of Kathryn's thoughts and wishes .
And so do all your four and two legged friends, who will be so happy to have you home tomorrow night

And all of us two legged ones( not counting the chickens) send our love and good thoughts for a quick recovery