Saturday, June 22, 2019


"Mom, you'll never get another chance to have such a well-trained dog," said Deb.  "Go for it!," said Clay.  "He'll be in good hands," said Larry.  "What the heck," sez me, so I called Florence and told her GB would have a new home.  She'll bring him over tomorrow.  I haven't told the cats yet.  Ralph and Celeste have gotten used to ruling this roost and a new dog will make a big change in their lives.  When Steve and I moved up here, the previous owners left their dog (how could they do that?) and we brought Victor, our cat.  Victor took one look at Dogie and went under the bed, where he stayed for months, only making a dash to the bathroom for food, water, and the litter box.  When he finally ventured out to enter the real world, his long fur was so matted he had to go to the groomer for a clipping.  Dogie was one of the best dogs ever and convinced Victor that she was no threat.  I'm hoping Good Boy will do the same for Ralph and Celeste.

I was thinking yesterday about changes in our world, and the necessary, but sad, lack of trust there is now.  Back in the day, long, long ago, Fuller brush men came into houses without question, as did Avon ladies.  People in cars stopped for anyone walking along the road and offered a ride.  Children played outside without supervision until dark.  All of that has changed now.  Suspicion, with reason, has replaced trust.  There certainly were drawbacks in "the good old days," but I think it was a kinder world back then.

It's a good thing I did not throw out or give away Bessie Anne's food and treats.  I hope they will help GB make the transition to living here easier.  He was already staying with Florence with his previous owner, so her death did not change his home.  Being left here is going to be hard for him to understand.  Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I'm so glad you made that decision. Will he have a new or an expanded name? And yes, I long for the days that children could play, unfettered and somewhat unsupervised from dawn until dusk! Have fun on your first day with your new family member!