Sunday, June 16, 2019

Even Though...

Even though I try not to, I slip back into old habits.  Yesterday was somewhat cooler than the previous days of heat, but my way of dealing with summer is to sleep during the day.  With no A/C, it's the one, if not the only, way to escape.  Yesterday I slept.

Even though it's futile, I'm trying to keep up with the weeding, pulling a bunch here and there every time I go out or come back in.  With summer, I water or turn on the sprinkler somewhere every day, and what does that accomplish?  It makes the weed seeds sprout.  Talk about job security.

Even though the lap is there while I nap, the cats are not taking advantage.  They are choosing to lie in front of the open doorways, trying to catch any passing breeze, or they lie on the cool stone hearth in front of Stove where they go in winter for his warmth.  I don't feel abandoned.  Those furry bodies generate heat, too.

Even though there is a clutch of eggs in the chicken coop, the hens do not seem interested in sitting on them.  The coop sits on the ground and, given Stanley's bad attitude, I can't get down on my knees to pick up the eggs.  The threat of attack is too great.  I know he has done his best to procreate.  It is while he is so preoccupied that I can safely put down food or water.

Even though I think a lot about rescuing another dog, for a variety of reasons I'm not sure I will.  I'm still not over the loss of Bessie Anne.  I haven't yet given away the half-full bag of food or the packages of treats, just in case.  It's a hard decision.

Ah well.  Time will tell.

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