Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wax And Wane

Wax and wane, ebb and flow...whatever terms are used, my ambition comes and goes like the tide.  Lately the tide has been out.  I can blame it on the onset of heat (or any other excuse that comes to mind), but the end result is that I have not gotten much done around here lately.  Neighbor Joe puts me to shame.  I hear the splitter fire up about 7 a.m., and he's working alone down there.  Yesterday he worked steadily for a few hours, but had the good sense to stop when that area was no longer in shade.  And then, don't you know, he came back in the late afternoon and did it again.  That man is a workin' fool.

Maybe I sit on my duff until the last minute because I like the challenge of a deadline, or maybe I'm a glutton for punishment.  A long-ago friend I've not seen in years is coming over this afternoon.  I could have dusted, etc., yesterday and taken my time.  Did I do that?  No.  So today, heat or no heat, I'll have to whirl like a dervish to have the house presentable for company.

I can't help myself.  This is a shot of sunrise a few mornings ago.  We've had some pretty spectacular cloud formations lately.  They sure make a great backdrop to the scenery.  (Note:  this is photo #3223 in my "gallery."  Did I mention I take a lot of pictures?)

Since it's not yet 5 a.m. and still dark, I can put off dusting for a little while.  (Insert smiley face here.)

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