Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Too Easy

It wasn't always so, but I have to admit that I'm easily confused these days.  For instance, medications.  I was pretty good when Doc said, "Take two a day."  That's straightforward enough.  Then he said, "Take two one day and one the next."  Uh huh.  He advised taking two on even-numbered days and one on the odd.  Okay, I could manage that.  On this last go-round, he changed the routine again to two pills three times a week and only one four times.  Again, he had a handy hint.  "Take two on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."  Well, Doc, that's a problem because it assumes I know what day it is, and you know what they say about "assume."

I had it firmly fixed in my mind that yesterday was Sunday, so firmly that when my attempt to transfer the photos from the thumb drive didn't go so well, I didn't call Anna because I "knew" the shop was closed.

It didn't help that Neighbor Joe came up in the early morning to use the splitter.  In the past, he's only cut wood, etc., on the weekend.  What a good guy.  When he fired up John NSD, Joe took the time to mow down some more in the west field, saying that the weeds were still damp from dew so there was no fire danger.

Rotten Stanley seems to have worked out a satisfactory (for him) routine on his own.  He ignores me until I've backed out of the pen and shut the gate, then makes a threatening dash at the fence.  It saves him from getting kicked and still salvages his masculine pride.  I'm okay with it because it also saves my legs.

Okay, today is Tuesday.  I need to remember that because it is trash day.  It is "take one pill" day.  It is call Anna and get her help day.  It used to be harder to confuse me, now it is just too easy.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm laughing. Handy hint - Open your iPhone and the calendar icon is right there with the day of the week and date. I love it.