Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I'm Ba-a-ack!

At the risk of sounding like Jack Nicholson as Johnny in The Shining, I'm back!

You can't believe what the last two weeks have been like.  First the PUPs appeared and then the next day my computer was compromised and eventually locked and held hostage for $500 by the evil ones (I did not pay).  BE ADVISED:  FaceBook does not have a phone number!  If you do a search and find one, I guarantee IT IS A SCAM!

Yesterday I took my computer to the shop where it was scrubbed, debugged, and a new operating system was installed.  Today I am jumping through hoops trying to find where I want to go (took 3 hours just to find a way to write this entry), and working my way through unfamiliar territory with Windows 10 when I'd been using version 7.  Whew!  I need and want to add that Anna and Chris at Bliss Electronics in Diamond Springs were so very helpful, kind, and got me up and running at a reasonable price, and they even stayed overtime to finish the job.

So, what else has been going on at the farm (by now, it should be the funny farm)?  Well, Deb, Craig and his brother Randy came back again last Saturday and worked like dogs with weedeaters, etc., and cleared a massive defenseable space around the property, so important now that we're heading into fire season.  Two Saturdays from people who work at their jobs and don't get a lot of time off.  What a gift!

Stanley the rooster has been behaving himself, sort of.  I can tell he's thinking about an attack, but so far, so good, maybe because I drop-kicked him on his last attempt (and I'm not apologizing).  Missy shows up more frequently these days, but even when I don't see her, her bowl is empty every morning so I know she's eating well.  With acres of green and drying weeds to graze, Sheila and Tessie still demand alfalfa, go figure.  Ralph and Celeste are...Ralph and Celeste.  Sometimes she's the needy one, sometimes it's him.  I will say they were a great comfort when I was having computer-driven hysterics.

We went from wet and cold to hot and dry at the flip of a switch.  From a blanket and comforter I've gone to a sheet only, and then with a foot stuck out.

If I could find Photos on the new equipment, I'd post the picture of a gorgeous sunset, the last one I took before depression set in.

I appreciate all who hung in there during my absence, the longest I've ever been gone since I started this adventure.  God willing and the creek don't rise, it won't happen again.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Woo Hoo I'm SO HAPPY that your miseries are over and our drought is over!! Welcome, welcome!!!