Sunday, June 30, 2019

Playing Catch Up

I don't know if it's really possible to make up for lost sleep or lost time, but it seems I'm trying, like it or not.  Once again it was daylight when I woke today.  I feel like the White Rabbit, "I'm late!  I'm late!"

I must have been pretty dopey the last time I filled the two containers of food to take to the barn for Missy.  It wasn't until I filled her dish that I realized I'd brought her dog food, not cat food.  Duh.  Maybe Missy enjoyed a little change in her diet because when I took down the cat food yesterday her bowl was empty.  Oh well.

Neighbor Joe and his crew brought up a truckload of firewood and stacked it for me yesterday morning.  His helpers included his wife Rhonda, who I haven't seen in years, his son-in-law Kyle, who I hadn't met, and his daughter Alex and her two kids.  Back in the day when Alex was in grade school and then middle school, Alex spent so much time here while her parents worked.  Steve's death hit her hard.  It was her first experience with death and I haven't seen her since.  I have a photo from yesterday, but the computer is balky today and I can't access it.  I still think of her as that young girl, and here she was, a wife and mother.  It was so good to talk with her.

I also have a photo of Ralph sitting on my lap with GB just across the way on the loveseat.  Maybe there's hope yet.  I called Florence to give her an update.  GB seems to be settling in to my routine, and I'm even getting tail wags as a response to my effusive praise.  He continues to live up to his name.

Not only is it cool again this morning, it's overcast with a hint of rain.  Of course it is, because I watered yesterday.

It was a good day.

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