Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Strange New World

Not much to report as far as farm life goes because most of yesterday was spent trying to navigate the new computer system.  I wasn't getting any sound on FaceBook and found out I'd plugged one of the many wires into the wrong port, hardly surprising because I'd been bent over like Quasimodo in a small space in the dark o' morn when I was trying to put everything back as it had been.  I was able to find or recreate most of what was needed, but I had to ask for help a couple of times and will again today because many of my numerous photos seem to have gone missing.  I truly hope they are not casualties of the debacle because there are many of Bessie Anne that I would hate to lose.

This morning I found that some gremlin had come in the night and expanded the viewing screen, enlarging it to the point that stuff on the edges is falling off and I can't even use the "arrows" to pull it back.  Aarrgh!  Short break here because I had to take the trash down to the big road - forgot last night.  Once again it was evident that the world is turning.  Sunrise usually shows over the hills to the southeast most of the year and I see it just to the left of the computer screen.  Now it appears to the northeast, over my left shoulder.  The rosy sky sure made for a pretty drive.

Ah well, I guess I'll spend a good portion of today trying to find my way in this strange new world of computerdom.  Since we're already up in the 90s, it'll be too hot to do much else.

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