Monday, June 24, 2019

New Kid On The Block

GB has arrived!  The watching and waiting (and worrying) are over.  Florence and her husband Dan drove up mid afternoon and started unloading their truck, starting with GB, who was wearing his little Service Dog vest.  Two beds, bags of treats, a basket of brushes and combs, a variety of leashes, pills for his allergies (he sneezes), etc., and a bag of stuff I haven't even opened yet.  There was a bag of fresh bones from the butcher that went in the freezer.  Florence had taken GB to the vet the day before for all current inoculations and a rabies tag.  I mean, this dog was prepared!  The vet describes GB as an Australian shepherd mix.  The coloring and size makes that about right.

Ralph and Celeste made a beeline for the bedroom when they heard the truck engine.  I expected that.  They were not seen for the rest of the day.

I had a great visit with Florence and Dan while GB familiarized himself again with the house; not the bedroom which, for now, is still off limits.  I did not walk my guests out to the truck when they were leaving, not wanting GB to feel he was being totally abandoned.  I didn't want to make a big deal of it, but gave him belly rubs and "Good Boys," and a couple of treats to take his attention away.  Since I don't yet know his normal behavior, I think he knew he'd been left and was a bit depressed.  He lay for a long while just looking out the front door as if waiting for Florence to come back.  I guess he decided this was final.  He tried out the loveseat, he tried out the couch.  He likes to go into his cave behind the recliner.  He slept for awhile on the kitchen floor.  He went outside to potty and came back.  No hide nor hair of the cats.  When the shadows lengthened, I took him out for a walk down to the goat pen and in the drive, him marking his territory at every opportunity.  It's amazing how much piddle a dog can make.  I'd asked Florence what commands he knew..."Come" is evidently not one of them.  He explored the west field on his own.  We're going to have to work on that.

 I may have to change the ring tone on my phone.  Either GB does not like The Ride Of The Valkyries or he has a music appreciation, because whenever the phone rang, he would throw his head back and sing a few notes.

Ralph is usually the curious and adventuresome cat, so it was a surprise later in the evening when Celeste appeared.  GB was in his bed and, while Celeste did not go directly up to him, she was brave enough to go into the kitchen for a snack and then came to sit on my lap.  No sign of Ralph.  When it was my bedtime, GB was in his bed and that settled the issue of where he was going to sleep.  Ralph did not come out all night and it was only this morning that he showed up.

For a first day, I think it went pretty well.  I think the new kid will settle in, given time.  I don't know about everyone else, I was exhausted.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh it will get better and better and better. Imagine what GB has gone thru in his little life already. And it sounds like he did pretty darn well for being handed off so many times. He has hit the jackpot with you, and I bet, in no time, he will be delighted that he has a brother and a sister. Hope you all slept well.