Monday, July 1, 2019

Help On The Way

Out of the blue, I got a text from Helper Dude yesterday morning, "I have some time.  Do you need any help?"  "Ohmigosh, yes please!"  It's been quite a while since HD has been here as he ha a "real" job now, but how nice it was to see him, and boy! did I ever need him.  He worked a solid three hours, weed-eating and mowing.  The west field alone took three passes on John Not So Dear; the star thistle is one tough plant and has a will to live.  That dreadful weed was just starting to put out its 'stars," so the timing was perfect.  Thanks to the Dude, this place no longer looks so rag-tag and unloved.

I've got to put in a call to Anna today.  I cannot seem to find my photos on this new system.  I took a picture yesterday that I'd like to share.  For the second time, I found a bat that somehow had gotten itself caught in the siding and died.  For creatures with their amazing radar, how does this happen?  Poor little thing.

Scaredy cat Ralph is getting braver and braver.  He is still tense and ready to bolt, but he now comes into the room and sits on my lap, keeping a watchful eye on GB (who couldn't care less).  GB is settling in and seems satisfied to be here.  I get more tail wags every day, and when we go out for walks, he comes running back to me.  He's had a rough go of it, I know.  Even if Ralph isn't so sure, I'm glad I made the decision to keep GB here.

How can it possibly be July already?  It seems just the other day that I was taking down the Christmas tree.  Moving at the speed of light as I do, maybe I should start putting it back up again.

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