Saturday, July 27, 2019

Second Guesses

When one is a creature of habit as I am, there are times it doesn't pay to second guess yourself.  Admittedly I was only half awake when I toddled down to the kitchen.  First thing, make the coffee: water and coffee grounds for one cup, turn on the machine.  Hmmm.  Did I put in the water?  You know, I don't think I did.  Easy fix...put in the water.  While the machine does its job, check the food bowls.  GB eats surprisingly little so I can fill his dish and give him free choice.  It's the cats who are chow hounds (and it shows on Celeste).  It did seem like the machine took a little longer, but....  Consequently, I have a full mug of hot, dark water this morning and another one waiting in the kitchen.  A pretty weak way to start the day.

It got so hot so fast yesterday morning that I was disinclined to mess around with Fu, even with an early start.  It would have been too hot to mow if he had fired up.  This weekend is supposed to be even worse, but a cool down is predicted for next week, yay!  It's an imposition to ask favors, but if Beau can't come by soon, I fear I'm going to have to look farther afield for help.

A trip to town is on today's agenda and I'm going to stores/shops where GB is allowed, and he does like to go for a ride and Truck has A/C.  My concern is getting him from and to the truck as I know the parking lots will be hot on his little bare feet.  "Hurry" is not a word in my vocabulary anymore, and "run" is out of the question.  This is going to require more thought.

Question of the day:  do two cups of weak, insipid coffee equal one cup of regular strength?  Note to self:  don't second guess.

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