Monday, July 15, 2019

Song And Dance

Old Macdonald Had A Farm is GB's theme song.  "With a piddle piddle here, and a piddle piddle there.  Here a piddle, there a piddle.  Everywhere a piddle piddle...."  I am so unused to boy dogs and had forgotten how they constantly mark their territory.  GB has definitely staked out Farview as his own.

He's also got some pretty fancy dance steps.  Florence had told me that he had some confusion when he finds the next stop to piddle, trying to decide which hind leg to hike to accomplish the deed.  Cue the hula music as he swings his hips back and forth.

He had been doing so well on our morning boundary training, I let him out on his own the other evening, but don't you know that little booger headed right down the driveway.  Like a man on a mission, he ignored my command to "Stop," or "Come."  Drat.  As a consequence, he's now on the leash in the evening, as well as the morning.  I'm certainly getting my exercise.  Last night, just for a little variety, we went counter-clockwise around the drive.  As we headed down the slope in the dusk, two well-antlered buck deer bounded across our path and into the south pasture.  Once again there was music, but this time it was an elegant ballet for these graceful creatures.  GB didn't blink an eye.

It was a mistake to reverse the direction of our walk, as the last stretch back up to the house is the steepest part of the hill.  I'm much better on the downhill.  I don't know about GB, but I was one tired lady when we got to the door.  The funny part is that while I am doing morning chores, he stays right at the top of the hill on his own, no leash, no tether, and he's free to explore at will.  Go figure.