Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Same Time Next Year

"Same Time Next Year," 1978, Alan Alda, Ellen Burstyn.

No, I'm not having an annual romantic affair (you'd have to know the movie).  It's just that we're up in the 90s again, the ceiling fan is whirling away, I'm dripping sweat, and every single year I forget about the whole-house fan.  I actually did remember about that appliance yesterday, and hopefully I'll remember next year, too, at this time.  Hot air is heavier than the cooler variety.  You can feel it pressing down.  The whole-house fan doesn't actually cool the house.  What it does is pull the hot air out of the attic and draws in cooler air from outside, the drawback being that you have to wait at least until the roof is in shade for any effect.  When it was getting close, GB and I went for a walk and then sat on the porch to catch what breeze that might come our way and watch the advancing shadows.  Thank God for the big oak in the front yard.  Fifteen minutes after flipping the switch and we had some relief from the oppressive heat.  Yay!

"Champagne wishes and caviar dreams," Robin Leach's line from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.  The last time I was at the store I did something that I haven't done in years and years.  I bought a tiny pot of caviar, tiny because it is outrageously expensive.  Linda introduced me to this black gold, as well as pate, back in the day when we were both young enough to wear bikinis.  We'd stop at some specialty shop, load up on the good stuff, and head off to a beach on the American River where we'd toast for a couple of hours, gorge on our luxury food, and sip wine from a bota bag.  Talk about the rich lifestyle!  Those days are long (okay, long, long) gone now, but I know the memories will come flooding back when I open that pot of tiny pearls.

Same time next year.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

If you turn the whole house fan on in the morning before it heats up, can you keep it more regulated that when the sun is on the house and the heat rises to the attic? You can have my caviar. Actually I have never tasted it, but nothing about it seems appealing. And you can have the pate too...I'm just not a foodie!!