Tuesday, July 23, 2019

...Or Not

Mowing is not yet in my morning routine, and believe me, I'm set in my ways.  Being Queen of the Procrastinators doesn't help, either.  At any rate, between doing and dawdling yesterday I missed the window of time to try out Fu on the west field.  Drat.  It's really important that I get off my rusty-dusty today.  For one thing, the star thistle is putting out those wicked thorns that hurt like blue blazes when they puncture skin.  Poor old GB has his favorite spots to piddle and I'd hate to think what it might be like if his underside brushes up against a thistle.  For another, it's got to be done before Cal-Fire slams the window on all mowing because of fire danger.

GB has definite likes and dislikes.  He prefers this treat over that one (I have a variety), and there is one he absolutely disdains.  The funny thing is, he might turn up his nose and not take it, but when it's dropped on the floor, somehow during the day that treat vanishes, and I don't think the cats took it away.  Hmmm.

With the onset of summer, it's easy to fall into the hot-weather habit of napping during the heat of the day.  I might wake up sweaty, but it gets me through the worst of it.  GB says he's okay with napping, too.  He's discovered the cool stone hearth in front of or behind Stove and has claimed his spot.  We wait until shadows cover the driveway to go for his afternoon stroll.  "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun," and we are neither.

It's just coming on first light, and I don't want a repeat of yesterday so I'd best get moving.

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