Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wild Romance

No, I haven't started watching adults-only films, but there's some pretty racy stuff going on out there.  I must have some kind of sleeping sickness even though I don't think there are any tsetse flies in Fair Play.  I cannot keep my eyes open during the day and still sleep through the night.  What's up with that?  Anyhow, on those brief occasions when I woke up yesterday, I kept seeing a couple of California scrub jays running back and forth on the deck railing.  Were they chasing bugs, or maybe fighting?  Um, no.  The smaller, and I assume the female, would squat down and flutter her wings, a little more provocative than her nonexistent eyelashes.  The larger male would make a dash toward her and the little minx would run away.  Frustrated, the male would run back on the railing and the female would chase after him, "Hey, baby, I was just kidding!"  I can't tell you how this flirtation ended because I fell asleep.  Use your imagination.

I really wanted to watch the Democratic debate last night, but woke up after it was over.  Maybe I'll have better luck tonight.  Or not.  After a brief, wishful search, I fell back to sleep.  Sigh.

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