Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not So Nice

The day had started out so well.  The sun was up, I was dressed, I really enjoyed my walk with GB and was even able to up my pace.  We got back to the house and I sat down to catch my breath while GB munched his good boy treat.  And then it started...pouring sweat alternating with shaking chills and nausea.  Because it happens so rarely, it took me a while to realize I was sick.  My refuge was sleep and I took hours-long naps all day.  The symptoms returned whenever I awoke so not much (okay, nothing) got done yesterday.  By early evening I was able to drink some water.  I have high hopes for today.  Yesterday was not so nice.


Emmy said...

Awful, hope you are better today

Kathryn Williams said...

Yikes...I SURE hope that today has brought milder or no symptoms.