Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Late News

To early morning readers, my apologies.  Woke up in the recliner at 4 a.m., decided it was too late to go to bed but too early to do anything else, so went over and stretched out on the couch.  I just woke up.  It's nearly 7, the sun is shining, and the day is half over.  Best of intentions and all that....

I saw on the news that plans are underway to build a two-mile gondola ride between the big ski resorts in Lake Tahoe.  That got me thinking about my mother (and father).  There were probably no two people farther apart in their approach to life.  How they got together in the first place is and was beyond me.  Mother was  reader, I don't think Daddy ever picked up a book.  Mother had a bizarre sense of humor, Daddy could retell funny jokes he'd heard, but had no sense of humor of his own.  Mother had a wish for adventure, Daddy stuck to the tried and true.  But I digress.

We three had gone on one of our road trips up to either Big Bear or Lake Arrowhead at the end of the winter season.  There were no skiers, but the ski lift was still operating and Mother said she'd never been on one and wanted to go, taking me along, of course.  If I heard him say it once, I heard it a thousand times, "Craziest thing I've ever heard," and Daddy wouldn't go.  "Come on, Babe," and Mother and I got on the chair lift (this was way before gondolas) and zoomed away.  Yeah, well.  The lift got stuck about halfway up the mountain, dangling us over a chasm, and then it started snowing.  Mother might have had second thoughts about this adventure.  Me?  I thought it was pretty exciting.  Daddy was frantic with worry when we finally got back down.  Poor Daddy.

Most of the news is depressing these days, but once in awhile it can bring back memories.  The sun is well up, the coffee mug is empty, and I am late, late, late.  What else is new?

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