Tuesday, July 2, 2019


GB seems to be settling in and accepting this as his new home.  Up until yesterday, wherever he might have slept he was curled up in a ball.  This was the most relaxed I'd seen.

We did have a small contretemps when I tried to give him his monthly heartworm pill.  Bess Anne had never been a problem; I'd just hand it to her and she'd crunch it down.  Florence had warned me that would not be the case with GB.  He turned into a dog with jaws of steel.  If I did manage to get the pill in his mouth, he'd spit it out.  It turned into a knock down-drag out with neither of us the winner.  About half the pill dissolved so he at least got some medicine.  I'll try again today, putting the other half in some cheese or other goody.  Sorry, GB, refusal is not an option.

It wasn't enough that I've had to learn the new computer system that Anna installed.  (I found my photos!)  My satellite television service went wonky yesterday.  Getting The Hopper has been a challenge from day one, with many changes on the screen and on the remote.  I finally called for help.  It wasn't my imagination that stuff was disappearing right before my eyes and other weird things were happening.  It took the nice lady an hour and a half to set things right, and I spent another hour resetting the guide, etc.  Not exactly how I'd planned to spend my day.

Regardless, it doesn't pay to get too stressed out.  It was time to take a deep breath and relax.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

He DOES look relaxed. I can't wait to see him with "a full head of hair!" He looks smaller than an Aussie but I can't really tell. Sorry about the pill, but good for the rest. And yikes, all that technology would be quite disturbing!