Friday, July 26, 2019

Fill 'Er Up

No, not Truck, we're not going anywhere.  It's the time of year when it's important to keep the small spray bottle I keep by my chair in summer filled with water.  In lieu of air conditioning, I fall back on evaporation to give at least momentary coolness.  I can go through a bottle a day.  The problem with this is that while spritzing my face, there is overspray on my hair.  Anyone familiar with curly hair knows that moisture tightens the curl and I end up looking like a hedgehog.  The solution to that is not to look.  (Maybe it's a good thing Beau hasn't come by yet.)

Dave called yesterday.  Fu has an automatic kill switch when the seat doesn't make contact with the something-or-other on the battery.  This is a safety feature in case the driver falls off so that the engine and blades are immediately stopped.  Dave suggested I give what I hope I'll recognize as the contacts a good spray of WD-40.  I'll give that a try today.  I'd hate to think that Fu has joined John, who really only wanted to work for men.  This kind of discrimination has no place in my workforce.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I wish you luck in making Fu work. How exasperating!