Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sticky Situation

Oh crum.  Admittedly, I don't pay much for my shoes.  This latest pair seemed to be holding up well for what I put them through.  The stitching held up and there were no cracks in the soles.  While watching NASCAR yesterday, I happened to glance at my feet.  Oh crum, really?  The sole on the right was separating from the shoe proper.  Dang!  The same thing on the left.  It's a wonder I hadn't been flapping around like Bozo the Clown or tripping and falling flat on my face.  I tried something I hadn't done before and found a tube of Super Glue.  I knew from past experience (don't ask) that one must be careful with that super-sticky stuff or end up with fingers stuck together, or worse.  I managed to get "body and sole" (apologies to the 1930 song) together without incident.  It's not a permanent fix, but maybe it will hold until I can get to town again.

Speaking of stickers, we've moved on from the tiny daggers from that lacy, fern-like weed in spring to the ubiquitous foxtails of summer.  My socks bristle with them after a hike down to the barn, and they get in the cuffs of my bibbies.  Petting GB is not just a sign of affection, I'm checking his fur for this painful plague of pointy missiles.

Arden and I have a date to go into town together on Wednesday.  I hope my shoes will stick together until then.

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