Sunday, July 21, 2019

Two For Two

Man, I'm on a winning streak here with two great days in a row.  It's hard to top a day spent with my Kids, and yesterday was no exception.  All of them, Dave, Jester, Deb and Craig, all got here around 11.  Dave and Jester (who, by now, is my fifth son) had planned on having tractor races to mow down the property.  As great as that would have been for me, I had to disappoint them because, while the Fire Council still allows mowing, it has to be done before 9 a.m.

GB was his usual calm self and was gracious to all, but he made it pretty clear from the start that he'd picked Dave as his favorite.  It was Dave he went to for belly rubs and Dave's chair he sat beside at lunch.  I'd spent the morning putting together at least a four-pound meatloaf for the Kids to make sandwiches for a kind of picnic lunch.  Cam had left strawberries and blackberries here, and I'd bought some Rainier cherries.  The fruit was ice cold and made a fitting summer dessert.  There was plenty of time to sit around the table and talk.  (There is a ceiling fan and a window cooler in the dining room.)

All too soon (I'm always greedy for time with the Kids) it was time for everyone to leave.  The guys had swapped out John Not-So-Dear for Fu Manchu and had John loaded up in the trailer.  I did not shed a tear as he was hauled away.  I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with Fu.  I hope he's as glad to be back as I am to have him home again.  We have work to do.

It was nice to have GB by my side and hear the "Love you's" as the Kids drove away.  It was a great day!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I got behind because I, too, had family visiting yesterday, but how happy I am to read of your two red letter days, and GB getting to meet more friends and relatives. And how cool that he gets to have play dates with Cam's three. And how wonderful that Cam is now free to visit you again. Hip, Hip, Hooray!