Friday, July 12, 2019

GB's Fan Club

GB is getting quite a following, even from people who have not met him (probably because I talk about him ad infinitum).  Whoever trained him as an ESA dog did such an excellent job.  I don't know if it was his training or his natural ability, but he has empathy, as well as good manners.  I was still moving pretty slow yesterday (much better this morning), and he seemed to understand and moved at my snail's pace on our morning walk.  He'd gone through the trauma of losing his owner and then the home he'd lived in for some time, so I let him come to me on his own terms.  Now I'm getting licks on my hand, and he comes to me voluntarily for butt scrubs and belly rubs.  In the afternoon we took a ride down to the mailbox; GB likes to go for rides.

Because of GB's calm demeanor, Ralph has finally come out of hiding and is zooming around the house again.  He has come right up to GB's nose on occasion.  Celeste took to him right away (and wasn't that a surprise!).  I think I can say we're one happy family again.  Whew.

The livestock had gotten short shrift for a couple of days, and Rotten Stanley complained loudly when his breakfast was delayed.  I think we'll be back on schedule today.

I appreciate the well wishes.  Thankfully, it was just a two-day bout of whatever it was that laid me low.

Ohmigosh, GB just barked!  That's the first time since he came here.  The only sound he's made was the woo-woo when the phone rang.  I've never known such a quiet dog.  I think he wants to go outside, but it's still dark and I can't yet trust him not to go down the driveway.  Sorry, kid, but you'll have to wait.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I KNEW you would be one happy family, but I'm so glad to hear it...and that you are better!!