Thursday, August 1, 2019


Taking GB for daily walks on the leash seems to be paying off.  We make the rounds together first thing every morning, but now he can do his own thing while I feed and water the livestock and he does not run down the driveway.  Last evening we drove down to bring the trash barrel back across the road.  When we got home, he did another perimeter check on the top of the hill and came right back to the porch.  I'd call that progress.

Ohmigosh, it's the first of August!  I remember my parents saying that time goes faster the older you get, and it's true.  This year has gone by in a blur.  It seems just yesterday that the Kids were here for Easter even though the calendar tells me that was months ago.  If I were proactive, I'd start my Christmas shopping now (how's that for wishful thinking?).  I know I lost a couple of days this week while in the grip of whatever it was that caused me to sleep all day.  Yesterday was much better and I actually got a few household chores done.

I put out a distress call to Helper Dude, asking if he could bring his mower over to cut down the ever-present star thistle while it's still green.  Beau had come over to "wiggle Fu's wires," but it turns out that the brand new battery that my guys put in is defective.  It won't take a charge, period.  That's progress in reverse, and very frustrating.  I haven't heard back from Dude.

I could almost wish that GB's legs were longer.  Whoever groomed him left that lion's mane around his head and his tail full.  His tail looks like one of those Swiffer dusting tools and, boy, wouldn't I have a job for him if he were only tall enough.

In addition to the other signs that this year is passing, daylight is coming later now and sundown earlier.  I'd better get busy or this day will be over before I get started.

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