Sunday, August 11, 2019

What's A Weekend?

I have always laughed when someone said, "Have a nice weekend."  Yeah, right.  When one has livestock, there is no end to the week.  But then I got to thinking, since the girls no longer require milking it's mainly making sure they have food and water every day, and I sure don't spend any quality time with the current chickens.  Chores have been minimalized and one day is pretty much like the next these days, but I do look forward to Saturdays.

I rarely call my Kids.  They all work long, hard hours and the last thing I want to do is intrude on whatever free time they might have, and what if they get an opportunity for a nap.  That's not to say we don't keep in touch.  Texting is perfect for a situation like this, just a brief way to say hi or put down a quick thought before that slippery devil gets away.  They answer back when they have time, so we're still in contact.  Even one of those smiley faces or "heart" emojis is a way to say, "I'm thinking of you."  It works.

That being said, I love to hear the phone ring in the early hours on a Saturday morning, as happened yesterday.  My daughter gets up before her husband and calls while she's having her coffee and it doesn't take away from their together time, and we play catch up on our week.  That's how I know the weekend has begun.

After chores on Saturdays, I plonk my butt in the chair and watch back-to-back cooking shows, remembering the glory days when I had company (lots of company) for dinner on the weekends.  Cooking for one just isn't the same.  During the season, those programs are followed by an hour or so of horse racing.  Oh goody!

PBS is my "go to" station for so many interesting programs, and Saturday evening they play at least three of my favorite British mysteries, gentle mysteries without blood and gore, but well written and acted.

Have a nice weekend!

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