Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tried And True

When life throws me a curve ball, I tend to fall back on calming things like comfort food and old TV shows.  I've been watching Golden Girls and Andy Griffith and TCM movies with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.  I think I'm about ready to face the world again.

My son rejected my suggestion that he name his not-here-yet baby boy Elmer Thomas.  I think it would be such a hoot when the kid gets older to be told, "ET, phone home!"  Oh well.

Saturdays are usually filled with cooking shows, but once in awhile "they" (whoever "they" are) switch and put a bunch of self-help programs on.  Not my cup of tea.  I had to make do with an early morning "Pioneer Woman" yesterday.

Michael took off on one of his walkabouts last evening.  He's been so good lately that I thought I could trust him to go out on his own.  Not.  He wasn't gone long and he did come back, so there is that, but I sure wish I could break him of that one bad habit.

Well, let's see what today brings....

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Not-here-yet-baby-boy!!! Well THAT sounds like some news for sure! I don't know about Elmer...that sounds kind of dated. How about Evan or Ed (also probably a bit old fashioned), or Ethan? ET WOULD be funny though!