Tuesday, August 20, 2019


I was struck a mighty blow when I got a new quote for home insurance.  The old carrier had cancelled (not uncommon), and the suggested new company gave a price over six times the amount.  Talk about a major AAARRGH!  Yes, I understand that California had some major fires last year and, yes, I know I live in a risky area, but for crying out loud!  In speaking with my insurance broker yesterday, she said others have been hit even harder, and she could not find any company with a lower premium.  Let's see, home insurance is mandatory, I also have home buyer insurance, insurance on the truck, AAA insurance, health insurance, Medicare insurance, and I'm sure there are a couple of others my stunned brain can't think of right now.  I wonder if I'm covered for sticker shock.

There was a truly bright moment yesterday when I came back from a quick trip to the store, the store where I can't take Michael.  So far, when I've had to leave him at home, he barely lifts his head as I go or come back.  "So you're leaving, so what."  "So you're back.  Yippee skippy."  Yesterday he acted like he wanted to go with, and he was waiting at the door when I got home.  He even did a little circle dance when I came in.  Might not sound like much, but to me that's real bonding progress.  I needed that.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

HOLY MOLY...6 times the amount?? That is unconscionable! I'm so sorry. Maybe you should start having bake sales!! But glad that Michael missed you and told you so!