Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I Stand Corrected

How does he do it...telepathy?  All I know for sure is that after a night of trying out "William," the dog had a change of heart.  We had five stops to make in town yesterday, and the dog, aka William, aka GB, was his usual magnetic self, drawing people to him everywhere we went.  All I know for sure is that whenever I went to introduce him to his fans, it came out as "Michael" each and every time.  Okay, so be it.  He'd best not change his mind again because at our last stop I had a new name tag made for him and it says Michael.

It was, as a long-ago neighbor from West Virginia would say, "hotting up" yesterday.  It wasn't just the heat that had Michael heading for the water bowl when we got home.  He must have been absolutely dehydrated after piddling on every plant, leaf, twig, and tree trunk in town.  "Just one more, Mom, I missed that bush."  For sure, every dog in P'ville knows that Michael has been there.  Michael is the most undemanding dog I've ever known.  He asks for so little that I'm willing to stand and wait, regardless that I find it somewhat embarrassing.

Because of Michael's hypnotic personality, I find myself talking to strangers as I never would have before...in waiting rooms, on the sidewalk, and in store aisles.  Everyone wants to make friends with him.  He is his usual gracious self, accepting adulation with dignity befitting royalty.  I talked to Florence last night, asking if it was okay to let people pet him, as they're wont to do.  I didn't want to spoil any previous training if it wasn't right, and was told that he is used to it and his prior owner had encouraged it.  Michael takes it as his due.  So be it.

After a strenuous trip to town yesterday, I doubt that much will get done today.  It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Michael, huh? I was just about to say something regarding William. Do you remember when you said something about being a "Hillbilly" and my dad, who was used to your erudite blog entries, said you were a "Hill William!!" Oh well, for a day you had one. Interesting choice of names that he has picked out. Tinka has a grandson named Michael (He is a fantastic nurse who takes care of lots of people - just like your guy). And Michael has a Wonderful, and somewhat serious young son named William! So there ya have it.