Monday, August 19, 2019

A Moderate View

Michael is  dog who, if he could write, would have written the adage, "All things in moderation."  He is friendly, but not effusive.  He really likes Dave and shows it by going to sit by Dave's chair.  He might go so far as to roll over and politely ask for a belly rub, although he might also be saying, "You may rub my belly now, hooman."  I take it as real progress if I get a tail wag or a brief hand lick.  Michael knows my schedule now and is always ready to go for a walk or out to feed the critters...ready, yes, but not overly enthusiastic.  He goes to the door and waits quietly while I attach the leash (if the outing requires a leash) and then we go out together.  On our walks, he might pause to look at the goats or the turkeys, but he's not overly curious.  His main occupation is to hunt for exactly the right bushes or twigs to piddle on, and, yes, there are multiple piddle spots each day and multiple rejections, too.  The best indicator of Michael's moderation is when he eats.  Unlike some dogs who wolf down their food like they'll never be fed again, Michael lies down by his bowl and thinks about it.  It's like watching a dowager pick through a box of chocolates.  "Hmmm, maybe I'll take this one.  Or maybe that one would be better.  That one looks good."  Michael takes one little kibble and chews it thoroughly before selecting another.  I've never known a dog like Michael.  He's pretty special.

Dave got here pretty early, before the heat of the day, and unloaded at least a cord of wood from his truck.  When it comes to heavy lifting anymore, I'm as useless as (fill in the blanks).  Afterward, he was ready for a cold drink and a sit-down.  I was grateful for the wood, but appreciated the chance to sit and talk even more.  Time with my Kids is precious, and this was a bonanza weekend.

I had known in advance that Dave couldn't stay long.  He had places to go and things to do.  Later in the afternoon, I was surprised to find a preseason football game on TV, and it happened to be the Vikings playing the Seahawks.  Oh goody!  (Vikings won!  Not that I'm partial.)  I sure don't know where this year has gone, but it definitely went fast.

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