Friday, August 9, 2019

Time And Space

Anyone familiar with cats is well aware that cats have no concept of (or choose to ignore) personal time or space.  What's yours is theirs, get used to it.  The internet is filled with photos of cats stretched out across keyboards, counters, and places where no cats should be.  My two felines are no different.

While I'm watching the morning news, Celeste at least gives fair warning.  She rubs against my ankles, demanding attention.  I give her strokes and tell her, "Not this morning, Celeste, I need some time to myself."  Bloop!  She's in my lap, stretching out and making herself comfortable.  Well, what's a person to do?  Ralph, on the other hand, does drive-bys, jumping up from behind to land on the arm of the chair (how does he do that?), startling me, for sure.  Ralph has the worst sense of timing.  Just as I'm thinking I'll get up in a minute and get this or that done, bloop!, he's in my lap with his tail whapping my face.  Oh well, one excuse is as good as another.  I didn't want to dust anyhow.  One cat or the other traipses in front of the keyboard while I'm working at the computer, but it's Ralph who has a penchant for sitting on the mouse (he's a cat, after all).  I have to do a lot of proofreading because I'm never sure what mistakes I might have made while trying to work underneath his furry belly

 GB isn't immune, either.  There are cat toys in his dog bed all the time.  He just sighs and moves them out of his way.  Once Ralph got used to a new dog in the house, he took charge of the situation.  GB will be minding his own business and Ralph will walk up and bump noses, maybe a little more up-close-and-personal than GB would like, but he puts up with his cat brother.

Just because no other person lives here, I'm certainly never alone.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I do envy your menagerie. Wonder when a good time will be for me to get a dog!!