Saturday, August 3, 2019

Going Batty

Today's entry may come in installments as Helper Dude is scheduled to arrive in 30 minutes and sometimes it takes me that long to get my thoughts in order, or at least give that a try.  Dude is coming on his mower to take down the star thistle on the property.  As obnoxious as that weed is, its potential fire danger is worse.  I am so grateful that Dude rearranged his schedule 1) to do the job at all, and 2) that he is willing to get it done by 10 a.m.  If I get interrupted, it's for a good reason and I'll get back to you.

I met with Grader Guy yesterday.  There is hope and a real chance that this place will get whipped into some semblance of shape this year.  The driveway, after the winter's heavy and sustained rains, is a real mess.  A low-slung car would not be able to navigate the deep ruts, and GB knows when we're going to go over the whoop-de-doos and hunkers down when we drive anywhere.  Grader Guy also would bring a water truck as equipment striking gravel could spark a fire (it's one of the biggest causes up here).  GG lives "right around the corner," as it were, and will fit me in between other jobs.

GG was still here when Arden bumped her way up the drive for our regular Friday get-together.  Man, I had 'em coming and going yesterday!  GB enjoys Arden's visits as she lavishes him with praise.  He has that effect on people.  She had brought people snacks and was going to give GB one, but I asked her not to because I didn't want to start a begging habit.  The looks I got from both of them. "Well, if just one happened to fall on the floor and I didn't see it....

After Arden left and the porch was in shade, GB and I went out to try and catch whatever breeze might come our way.  As they had the day before, the bats came out at dusk to flit and swoop through the sky.  What a wonderful sight they are, and they do such a great job of clearing out insects.  While my mental state may come into question, there are times that going batty is a good thing.

PS:  Dude is tootling around on his mower now, having already taken down the west field.  We spoke briefly when he arrived because I didn't want to waste the cool of the morning for him.  GB took advantage of that moment to make a run for it down the drive...again.  He came back...again.  For such a good dog in every other way, I don't know how to break him of this one bad habit.  Drat.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm so glad that you are getting everything in order and will have a smooth driveway and no star thistle. And who knows, maybe GB stays on the inside perimeter of your property and he is just making sure you are safe!!!