Monday, August 12, 2019

What's In A Name?

Under other circumstances I would hesitate to change an animal's name (or person's, for that matter).  And then I thought, women change their name upon marriage (or used to), nicknames are given at random, unnamed rescue dogs are given new names by new owners, so what's the big deal.  All this by way of saying that GB and I were communing on the porch last evening about this and that when suddenly I heard him say as clear as day, "My name is William," just like that   Of course it is, and I wonder he didn't tell me before.  I've said before that an animal will tell you their name, a la Celeste, if you just listen.  GB is a cute name, but rather frivolous for such a serious dog and, in my mind (and evidently his), it didn't suit him.  William, not Bill, Will, or Billy, but William, suits his solemn demeanor.  He hears "Good dog!" dozens of times a day, so I don't think there will be an identity crisis, just in case he changes his mind.  I think he made a good choice.

For the better part of a week now we have been enjoying days that didn't get out of the 70s, wahoo!  Cool enough for a blanket at night and a robe in the early morning, yay!  It was unseasonal, of course, and we're due to climb into the high 90s this week, but it sure was nice while it lasted.

There are so few places to eat out up here (I can think of four in a 15-mile radius) that we are prime territory for food trucks.  I've seen hot dog and taco trucks at Four Corners on my way to the grocery store and lots of cars had stopped there.  Yesterday afternoon "William" and I made a quick run up to the little convenience store (only three miles away) and, to my surprise, there was a food truck in the parking lot.  Not only that, but I recognized the proprietors.  It was Arden's son Bruce and his wife Annie.  Bruce is a chef, not a cook, and I was anxious to try his wares.  They serve Cowboy Gyros, a successful fusion of Western and Greek food.  I had a flavorful grilled pork open-face sandwich topped with crisp, fresh Greek salad on pita bread, and it was good!  It was their first day, and wasn't it fortunate for me that my timing was right on?!

William and I have to go to town today.  This time I will make the bank my first stop so that he can piddle at his leisure and I can make all my stops.

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