Saturday, August 24, 2019

Not So Fast

It seems I spoke too soon yesterday.  Got another call from what I'd hoped would be my new insurance broker, saying he was sorry, but there was a clause that would prevent me from getting the policy he'd quoted.  He was sorry, I was devastated.  Back to square one.

It being Friday, Arden came over for laundry and TV in the afternoon.  As predicted, the weather is getting hotter every day, so the cold soup I made tasted good and had a cooling effect.  It's nice to spend time with my friend.

Michael is such a pleasure to walk with.  We're both better on the downhill section of the driveway, and he's willing to slow down to my snail's pace on the uphill.  It gives him an opportunity to sniff here and there, look at the goats, piddle in his favorite spots (plural), and enjoy being outdoors.  He never pulls on the leash, but walks quietly by my side.  Michael does everything quietly.  I've never heard him bark.  In fact, the only sound I've heard him make is the yodel he does when the phone rings.  I take that back, he does a kind of low hum deep in his throat when he gets a belly rub.

Michael also gives me blog fodder and keeps me from going off on a rant on those things I can do nothing about...for which we're all grateful.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw, so sorry about the insurance. I wonder if Michael was naturally quiet, or if his early training just taught him to be less like a dog than normal. But I'm glad you are learning about each other so nicely.