Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Fair Game

Ohmigosh, Michael and I have a game, a game he seems to enjoy.  Any time we are outside together and he's not on a leash, we head back to the house.  I clap my hands and say, "I'm going to beat you this time, Michael!"  He takes off running, then stops and looks back to see if I'm coming and/or how close I'm getting (let's face it, not even).  I clap hands again and we do a repeat.  Depending on the distance, this could happen a number of times.  Michael always wins and is declared The Winnah!  He does a Michael version of a happy dance on the porch and we go in.  It's a small thing, but I like to see him play.

I got my hopes up yesterday when dear Cousin Sandy and her son Heath called, suggesting I contact USAA, a low-cost insurance company for members of the Armed Forces and their families.  Steve was in the Navy for ten years and two of my sons also served tours of duty so I figured I qualified.  Not.  Be advised, widows are not eligible, and neither are mothers.  Sigh.  I put out the word on FB and got a number of suggestions, so I know what I'll be doing today.  Home owners are fair game for the insurance companies, aka vultures.

We've had several days of really nice weather, thanks to the delta breeze.  That's coming to a halt this week when it's s'posed to go up into the high 90s.  Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.


Kathryn Williams said...

Well are eligible and I have had USAA for years and years. Did your dad serve at all? Actually I have car insurance thru them but I can't bundle as they can't do mobile homes, but I have been very happy with them and luckily only needed them once for a claim for a fender bender that was the other person's fault. Good luck.

Kathryn Williams said...

Children of service men or women is what I meant. And I also bank with them.