Saturday, September 23, 2017

Blurred Around The Edges

With the exception of a couple of forays out into the sunshine to warm up(!) and give my mind a rest, yesterday went by in a blur of paper and computer work.  I absolutely love a comment on FB about a sign hung over a calendar that said, "WARNING.  Dates are closer than they appear."  I need that sign; it's the story of my life.  (Another apropos comment sent to me by a cousin said, "I dusted.  It came back.  Not going to fall for that again."  Obviously, my reputation precedes me.)

I'd like to find the gremlin who steals and hides the one critical piece of paper that I just had in my hand and then cannot find; I'd throttle the little booger and then hide the body.  "How d'ya like them apples?"  Ralph is in cahoots with said gremlin.  He cannot stand it when there are papers spread out on the table and takes great delight in pushing them off and watching them float to the floor.  Aarrgh!

It snowed in the Sierras again yesterday for the second day (in September!) and when I had a chance to look, I could see awesome mountainous white clouds with dark underbellies behind the hills to the east.  Weatherman keeps saying it will be in the 90s this week, but it didn't climb out of the 60s here all day.  I weakened last night and put the comforter on the bed.  Even the cats were happy.

Pete is coming up today and I'll get a break, but Monday I'll be back at the computer.  Oh goody.


Emmy said...

Yes, time to change to flannel sheets, wrestle with duvet and comforter and be warm tonight, in spite of next weeks forecast....
Even time for some soup.

Kathryn Williams said...

Enjoy Pete! I'm so glad that you are getting to see a lot of him.